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A Three Pronged Approach to Data Literacy at Oklahoma State University

Session Information

Academic libraries are faced with the challenge of adapting to the shift away from hardcopy collections housed in the library building, towards digital collections that are often accessed remotely. One of the roles that they are working to embrace is that of supporting the management of research data. Numerous surveys and studies have shown that the increased volumes and complexity of data has created a significant need and that this is a role that libraries are well suited for based on their traditional competencies with information seeking, organization and management. Exactly how to implement data management varies by institution with many struggling to help librarians become comfortable with unfamiliar technical skills. Oklahoma State University's Edmon Low Library is implementing a three pronged data literacy program to provide instruction for researchers, students and liaison librarians in order to create a more universal understanding of data issues. Services such as data management plan (DMP) consultations are currently available to researchers and students but to fully meet their needs, liaisons must be familiar with all aspects of data services since they serve as the first point of contact for most researchers. The presentation will describe instruction and services that are currently offered to researchers and plans for expanding instruction through multiple delivery methods. New plans for offering broad based instruction to liaison librarians are being developed in order to engage them more fully in data services at OSU.



Kay Bjornen