2021 Conference
Call to Present at the CADRE 2021 Conference
Click here to submit your proposed presentation
The Coalition for Advancing Digital Research and Education (CADRE) at Oklahoma State University will be hosting the virtual 2021 CADRE Conference April 14-16th. The theme of this year's CADRE Conference is "The Changing Future of Data and Research: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving." It is an opportunity to share developments in digital scholarship, research and education with a diverse audience. Past CADRE Conferences have attracted a wide range of participants including students, faculty, researchers, librarians and software and computing professionals.
We invite submissions from anyone with an interest in interdisciplinary problem solving using digital or data-centric research and scholarship. Submissions should be received by March 15th and will be notified of acceptance no later than March 29th. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- Computational research
- Role of open data/open science
- New skills for research success
- Science and society
- Evolving tools for research
- Benefits of diversity on research
- Human computer interaction
- Machine learning/natural language processing
- Data education programs
- Innovative educational technology
Student research and digital projects will be highlighted on Friday, April 16th in the Student Showcase. Secondary, undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to submit an abstract for a talk, demonstration or digital project. Student presentations must be no more than 6 minutes long followed by 2-3 minutes for Q&A. The 2021 CADRE Outstanding Student Presentation Award will be presented to the student whose project best reflects the conference theme and who most effectively communicates their ideas in the alloted time. The winner of first place will receive a membership to the Evergreen Data Visualization Academy, a $1000 value, for training and coaching in telling effective stories with data. Exceptional student submissions may also be invited to make a full length presentation at a technical session.