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A Grant Proposal Writing Apprenticeship for Research Computing Professionals

Session Information

In February 2017, the University of Oklahoma (OU) began leading a national Grant Proposal Writing Apprenticeship, to teach research computing professionals, from institutions across the US, how to write grant proposals, especially Cyberinfrastructure grant proposals, by writing a grant proposal together. Originally, this was going to be a small proposal for a few workshops, but the team was encouraged to expand that proposal to a full National Science Foundation CyberTraining proposal, which was submitted in February 2018, almost exactly a year after the Apprenticeship began. The proposal writing team has had a total of 67 members, mostly CI professionals, from 52 institutions in 31 US states and territories and 1 other country (Nigeria), including 10 participants from 10 MSIs, 12 participants from 12 non-PhD-granting institutions and 26 participants from 18 institutions in 13 EPSCoR jurisdictions. As far as the team is aware, this is the first time that anyone has ever attempted such an endeavor, which was fully successful, in the sense of submitting a Cyberinfrastructure grant proposal as intended (the outcome of which won't be known until at least summer 2018).



Henry Neeman